Competitive Benefits for All Areas of Life
Engagement at Andelyn means being supportive of our employees in every aspect of their lives. We offer a variety of benefits designed to help employees’ health, well-being, and family so they can live their best and most meaningful life.
Andelyn’s Comprehensive Benefits Package
At Andelyn, you’ll find people deeply committed to our values and inspired by the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. At the core of our culture is a team of collaborators, thinkers, doers, and problem solvers.
Employees may enroll in one of many comprehensive medical plans. Employees enrolled in Andelyn medical plans will automatically receive prescription drug coverage.
We offer a high and low national dental PPO plan as well as vision coverage through multiple carriers.
Employees can contribute a portion of their paycheck to an HSA to help pay for eligible health care expenses on a pre-tax basis.
Employees have the option to contribute to an FSA to help pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care and dependent day care expenses on a pre-tax basis.
Upon hire, Andelyn contributes 5% of pay on an annual basis to investments the employee designates with no employee contribution required. In addition, Andelyn employees are eligible to receive an Andelyn match on 50 percent of employee contributions up to 3%.
Employees are given paid PTO for scheduled time off such as vacations, routine medical/dental appointments, sick days, and personal time starting their first day of employment.
Short-Term Disability is provided on first day of employment for eligible personal illness based on employee status (part-time and full-time). Long-Term Disability Insurance or income protection is offered at no cost to full-time employees on their first day of hire.
Term life insurance is provided at no cost to benefits-eligible employees on first day of employment, with an option to purchase additional insurance coverage.
The commuter benefit plan allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible commuting costs, such as expenses for parking, public transit and alternative forms of transportation.
This program provides 24-hour confidential assistance with personal, family and work-related concerns - plus online resources.
Employees receive paid bereavement leave for the loss of a spouse; biological, adopted or step child; legal ward; parents and step-parents; biological and step siblings; parent-in-law, grandchild; grandparent, brother/sister in-law or daughter/son-in-law.
Andelyn grants paid parental leave to employees following the birth of an employee’s child or the placement of a child with an employee in connection with adoption or foster care.
Adoption assistance is provided to Andelyn employees to offset the cost of the adoption.
Andelyn provides remote, hybrid and ad hoc flexible work options in cases in which the employee and their work are suitable for telecommuting.
Andelyn will help eligible employees pay for continued education after satisfactory completion of approved course work.
Learning and growth at work (and in life!) is a journey and life-long process. Andelyn is committed to your professional and personal development and is now proud to offer LinkedIn Learning to our team members!
LinkedIn Learning lets you learn at your own pace where you can select courses relevant to your current role, as well as pursue other passions! With courses on business, communication, finance, technology, project management and more, you’ll be able to grow and develop in the areas you care about both at and outside of work.
In an effort to help Employees with outstanding student loan debt — whether as a student borrower, a parent borrower, or a cosigner — we have partnered with a student debt management solution organization, Candidly. It’s intuitive, powerful, and completely free for you to use. And to help you reach your financial goals even faster, Andelyn Biosciences will also be offering a monthly contribution towards student loans for the employee’s own education. Contributions are available to benefits-eligible employees who have completed at least 6 months of continuous employment at Andelyn Biosciences. All other program benefits begin on the 1st day of employment.
Empowering Our Community Through Science and Service
At Andelyn Biosciences, we believe in giving back and forging strong community connections. Our dedication extends beyond the lab, as we actively participate in community service, educational outreach, and partnerships that promote public health and scientific literacy. Discover how we’re making a difference in communities locally and globally.
Shape the Future of Gene Therapy with Us
Join a team where innovation meets purpose. At Andelyn Biosciences, we’re not just developing life-changing therapies; we’re cultivating a culture of excellence, diversity, and continuous learning. If you’re passionate about making a meaningful impact in the biotech industry, explore our career opportunities and become part of our dynamic team.