Contact Us
Let's Transform the Future Together
Whether you're exploring new partnerships, seeking expert advice, or have questions about our processes and services, we're here to help. At Andelyn Bio, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive innovation and success. Reach out to us through the form below, and let's discuss how we can support your vision and accelerate your path to market. Together, we can turn today's scientific breakthroughs into tomorrow's life-saving therapies. Join us in shaping a healthier, brighter future for all.

1180 Arthur E. Adams Drive
Columbus, OH 43221
Monday – Friday
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Media Contact
Let's Partner Together
Experience excellence at every stage of the manufacturing process, from raw materials to the purification process. Whether your project requires small- or large-scale production, our process development scientists are ready to guide you to success with a robust production platform tailored to your needs.
Start your project today, fill out the form below to get started:
Rooted in Innovation
Addressing the Challenges of Today
Dive into the story of Andelyn Biosciences, where our journey from humble beginnings to a leader in gene therapy development unfolds. Our history is not just a record of our past, but a testament to our enduring commitment to pioneering solutions for the most challenging medical needs. Learn about our legacy and how we are advancing discoveries today.
Facilities Driving Innovation and Breakthroughs
Explore the cutting-edge environments where innovation and quality meet. Andelyn Biosciences proudly operates three specialized facilities, each designed to support different stages of gene therapy development and manufacturing. Discover how our advanced infrastructure and strategic locations contribute to accelerating your path to market.