World-Class Facilities
Where Design and Innovation Meet Purpose and Quality
Our facilities stand at the forefront of gene therapy manufacturing, fully aligning to today's US FDA and EMA industry standards and embedding a fusion of innovation, quality, and function. With three locations in Columbus, Ohio our facilities are meticulously designed to support your cell and gene therapy program journeys from concept to commercialization. Explore the unique role each of our purposefully-built centers play in supporting client programs and advancing therapies from research to GMP and commercial manufacturing.

Andelyn Corporate Center
Step inside the Andelyn Corporate Center (ACC), our clinical and commercial production facility built for the rigors of cell and gene therapy manufacturing. With the latest advances in construction and clean room technologies and GMP compliance enabling design and operations, the ACC is currently producing GMP and commercial-grade, high-quality plasmids and viral vectors. Discover how our facility reliably advances the path to market for life-saving therapies.

Andelyn Development Center
Explore the Andelyn Development Center (ADC), where expert and precision-based process development, preclinical manufacturing, and analytical capabilities converge for plasmids and viral vectors. As the cornerstone of Andelyn’s rich experience in gene therapy, the ADC is at the heart of our innovation and where we meet the evolving demands of our client programs.
Upholding the Highest Standards
In the rapidly evolving landscape of gene therapy manufacturing, adherence to stringent compliance and accreditation standards is not just a commitment—it's a cornerstone of our operation. At Andelyn, we pride ourselves on maintaining an unwavering dedication to regulatory excellence, ensuring every aspect of our process meets the highest industry and governmental standards. Our facilities are not just compliant; they are benchmarks of quality and safety in gene therapy production. Through rigorous oversight, continuous improvement, and transparent practices, we guarantee our partners can trust in our processes, products, and people. This dedication to excellence is more than a badge—it's our promise to you.
Ushering a Safer, Greener Future in Gene Therapy
Sustainability and safety are integral to our mission of transforming lives through gene therapy. At Andelyn, we go beyond basic compliance to integrate eco-friendly practices and safety protocols into every facet of our operations. From reducing water and costing solution waste with the latest single-use technologies, we minimize our environmental footprint and ensuring the utmost safety of our employees and communities. We are fully committed to advancing gene therapy in harmony with our planet. Our proactive approach to environmental stewardship and workplace safety reflects our deep respect for both the people we serve and the world we share. Join us as we lead the way to a more sustainable and safe future in healthcare innovation.