GMP Plasmid Manufacturing Services

Integrated Plasmid Production to Streamline and Accelerate Viral Vector Manufacturing

With over 20 years of experience in cell and gene therapy manufacturing, Andelyn understands how plasmid DNA manufacturing impacts viral vector packaging performance. Our integrated plasmid and vector approach creates a seamless transition from the plasmid production process through vector development all the way into commercial manufacturing with dedicated program management across the entire process.

Under one MSA, this integrated approach creates a seamless transition from plasmid production through vector development all the way into commercial manufacturing with integrated program management for plasmid and vector.

icon for expert perspectives
Plasmid DMF
icon of a clipboard next to a test tube
GMP Bacterial Cell Banking, Release & Stability
icon of pDNA research
pDNA Research TOX & GMP
icon of cells
Helper Plasmids
icon for plasmid
In-House Plasmid QC

A Commitment to Quality at Every Stage of Your Program

Andelyn offers a spectrum of plasmid DNA grades tailored to support your project at every stage. Our unique approach to quality control is based on a single-use mindset, and all GMP plasmid DNA products are manufactured in a cleanroom environment.

We prioritize high-quality plasmid DNA to ensure consistency and compliance with clinical development and good manufacturing practices (GMP) manufacturing standards.

ApplicationsIn vitro R&D, PC studiesToxicology studiesClinical, Commercial
ScaleFlaskFlask / 50L FermenterFlask / 50L Fermenter
Testing PanelReducedExtendedExtended
Yield Assessment / DOEcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
E. coli MCB Productioncheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Plasmid Stability
(Upon Request)
Single-use disposablecheckmarkcheckmark
TSE/BSE statementcheckmarkcheckmark
Manufactured in clean roomcheckmark
QA oversightcheckmark

Customized Testing Strategy to Meet Specific Program Requirements

DNA HomogeneityIn-housecheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Restriction DigestIn-housecheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Identity (DNA)In-house / NCH IGMcheckmarkcheckmark
Residual Host ProteinIn-housecheckmark
Residual Host Genomic DNAIn-housecheckmark
Residual Host RNAIn-housecheckmark

Hear from Our Partners

Success Stories
Learn More About Us
“Working with Andelyn was a great choice given their history with the product, their extensive multi-product experience with the manufacturing technology used for the product, and our desire to quickly bring UX111 to MPS IIIA patients.”
Dennis Huang
Chief Technical Operations Officer and EVP, Gene Therapy Research and Development
“Purespring is excited to build on our longstanding working relationship with Andelyn to accelerate the preclinical and clinical manufacture of our innovative AAV-based gene therapies.”
Julian Hanak
Purespring Therapeutics

In-House Plasmid Production Means Secure Supply Chains

Working closely with a CDMO that performs in-house plasmid production affords companies the opportunity to collaborate and optimize processes and create efficiencies. 

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