Andelyn's Women in Science
Every day here at Andelyn Biosciences is Women in Science Day! We are proud that 50% of our scientists on staff are women. Today, February 11, is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – the day we recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology.
To celebrate, we are highlighting just a few of the brilliant, talented, and innovative women we have on our team. We asked the broad question, “What does science mean to you?” In response, we received diverse, insightful, and introspective answers.

Afomia Ayele
GMP Scientist – Quality Control
“Science is the opportunity to explore the world that we operate in without boundaries and with infinite curiosity. The field and subdisciplines that lie within it are the manifestations of how the people before us and here today took this opportunity and turned their questions into discoveries. As a woman of science, I have used my time working in a neurobiology lab during undergrad to ask questions that had no answers, discovering many new properties of the nervous system with the support of my colleagues. Today at Andelyn, I use my curiosity not only to make progress in my performance but also to learn more about the biological basis for what we do at Andelyn and how we can improve our products and services.
Being a member of an underrepresented population in the industry has presented some challenges in my progress, but it has never stopped me from taking the initiative in discovery and working with people who wish to do the same. I hope that other women like myself can find the same determination to pursue their scientific interests with the support of their respective colleagues so that the industry can continue to break barriers and fuel innovation.”

Lakshmi Dasari
GMP Scientist II – Quality Control
“Science, to me, is an opportunity to create, learn, and teach new technologies.”

Kristen Heller, Ph.D.
GMP Manager – Plasmids
“Science is creative and curious – some of the ideas that have revolutionized science and modern medicine have come from curiosity combined with innovative ideas, such as using engineered viruses to modify human disease. Science means perseverance when people tell you your ideas are wrong, or your grants don’t get funded, or your experiments fail, never giving up and still pushing forward. And finally, science means passion and dedication; I’ve spent the past 14 years in science – and I love what I do. It’s still one of the greatest feelings in the world when we plan new experiments and discover novel information. It’s humbling and rewarding knowing I am a part of something bigger than myself and that our work plays an integral role in treating devastating diseases and saving people’s lives.”

Rose Martinez
QC Scientist I
“To me, science means the accelerated evolution of the human race. We are working to find a balance between natural processes and curious ambition in order to establish a mutualistic relationship between man and nature.”

Shruti Parashar
GMP Scientist – Analytical
“Science is the key to explaining everything. What’s exciting is you can often use something that’s already been discovered and build upon it – explore further. In that way, science is also an ever-changing art form you constantly strive to perfect.”

Kristen Shutt
Sr. Talent Acquisition Partner
“Working in Talent Acquisition I have a unique opportunity to speak with candidates about opportunities with Andelyn Biosciences and share details on projects our teams are working on. I am able to share in the excitement of our team’s success and offer candidates an opportunity to join our organization. I am not a Scientist; however, I get to work alongside them. Their work is truly making a difference each and every single day.”
If you are interested in a career with Andleyn Biosciences, please visit our careers page.
Every day here at Andelyn Biosciences is Women in Science Day! We are proud that 50% of our scientists on staff are women. Today, February 11, is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – the day we recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology.
To celebrate, we are highlighting just a few of the brilliant, talented, and innovative women we have on our team. We asked the broad question, “What does science mean to you?” In response, we received diverse, insightful, and introspective answers.

Afomia Ayele
GMP Scientist – Quality Control
“Science is the opportunity to explore the world that we operate in without boundaries and with infinite curiosity. The field and subdisciplines that lie within it are the manifestations of how the people before us and here today took this opportunity and turned their questions into discoveries. As a woman of science, I have used my time working in a neurobiology lab during undergrad to ask questions that had no answers, discovering many new properties of the nervous system with the support of my colleagues. Today at Andelyn, I use my curiosity not only to make progress in my performance but also to learn more about the biological basis for what we do at Andelyn and how we can improve our products and services.
Being a member of an underrepresented population in the industry has presented some challenges in my progress, but it has never stopped me from taking the initiative in discovery and working with people who wish to do the same. I hope that other women like myself can find the same determination to pursue their scientific interests with the support of their respective colleagues so that the industry can continue to break barriers and fuel innovation.”

Lakshmi Dasari
GMP Scientist II – Quality Control
“Science, to me, is an opportunity to create, learn, and teach new technologies.”

Kristen Heller, Ph.D.
GMP Manager – Plasmids
“Science is creative and curious – some of the ideas that have revolutionized science and modern medicine have come from curiosity combined with innovative ideas, such as using engineered viruses to modify human disease. Science means perseverance when people tell you your ideas are wrong, or your grants don’t get funded, or your experiments fail, never giving up and still pushing forward. And finally, science means passion and dedication; I’ve spent the past 14 years in science – and I love what I do. It’s still one of the greatest feelings in the world when we plan new experiments and discover novel information. It’s humbling and rewarding knowing I am a part of something bigger than myself and that our work plays an integral role in treating devastating diseases and saving people’s lives.”

Rose Martinez
QC Scientist I
“To me, science means the accelerated evolution of the human race. We are working to find a balance between natural processes and curious ambition in order to establish a mutualistic relationship between man and nature.”

Shruti Parashar
GMP Scientist – Analytical
“Science is the key to explaining everything. What’s exciting is you can often use something that’s already been discovered and build upon it – explore further. In that way, science is also an ever-changing art form you constantly strive to perfect.”

Kristen Shutt
Sr. Talent Acquisition Partner
“Working in Talent Acquisition I have a unique opportunity to speak with candidates about opportunities with Andelyn Biosciences and share details on projects our teams are working on. I am able to share in the excitement of our team’s success and offer candidates an opportunity to join our organization. I am not a Scientist; however, I get to work alongside them. Their work is truly making a difference each and every single day.”
If you are interested in a career with Andleyn Biosciences, please visit our careers page.
Every day here at Andelyn Biosciences is Women in Science Day! We are proud that 50% of our scientists on staff are women. Today, February 11, is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – the day we recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology.
To celebrate, we are highlighting just a few of the brilliant, talented, and innovative women we have on our team. We asked the broad question, “What does science mean to you?” In response, we received diverse, insightful, and introspective answers.

Afomia Ayele
GMP Scientist – Quality Control
“Science is the opportunity to explore the world that we operate in without boundaries and with infinite curiosity. The field and subdisciplines that lie within it are the manifestations of how the people before us and here today took this opportunity and turned their questions into discoveries. As a woman of science, I have used my time working in a neurobiology lab during undergrad to ask questions that had no answers, discovering many new properties of the nervous system with the support of my colleagues. Today at Andelyn, I use my curiosity not only to make progress in my performance but also to learn more about the biological basis for what we do at Andelyn and how we can improve our products and services.
Being a member of an underrepresented population in the industry has presented some challenges in my progress, but it has never stopped me from taking the initiative in discovery and working with people who wish to do the same. I hope that other women like myself can find the same determination to pursue their scientific interests with the support of their respective colleagues so that the industry can continue to break barriers and fuel innovation.”

Lakshmi Dasari
GMP Scientist II – Quality Control
“Science, to me, is an opportunity to create, learn, and teach new technologies.”

Kristen Heller, Ph.D.
GMP Manager – Plasmids
“Science is creative and curious – some of the ideas that have revolutionized science and modern medicine have come from curiosity combined with innovative ideas, such as using engineered viruses to modify human disease. Science means perseverance when people tell you your ideas are wrong, or your grants don’t get funded, or your experiments fail, never giving up and still pushing forward. And finally, science means passion and dedication; I’ve spent the past 14 years in science – and I love what I do. It’s still one of the greatest feelings in the world when we plan new experiments and discover novel information. It’s humbling and rewarding knowing I am a part of something bigger than myself and that our work plays an integral role in treating devastating diseases and saving people’s lives.”

Rose Martinez
QC Scientist I
“To me, science means the accelerated evolution of the human race. We are working to find a balance between natural processes and curious ambition in order to establish a mutualistic relationship between man and nature.”

Shruti Parashar
GMP Scientist – Analytical
“Science is the key to explaining everything. What’s exciting is you can often use something that’s already been discovered and build upon it – explore further. In that way, science is also an ever-changing art form you constantly strive to perfect.”

Kristen Shutt
Sr. Talent Acquisition Partner
“Working in Talent Acquisition I have a unique opportunity to speak with candidates about opportunities with Andelyn Biosciences and share details on projects our teams are working on. I am able to share in the excitement of our team’s success and offer candidates an opportunity to join our organization. I am not a Scientist; however, I get to work alongside them. Their work is truly making a difference each and every single day.”
If you are interested in a career with Andleyn Biosciences, please visit our careers page.